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Terms and Conditions


To create guidelines and procedures for maintaining the integrity of the Vouchers for Veterans Program.


To provide Veterans in New Hampshire and Southern Maine with vouchers to purchase produce, meats, and other items from growers at local farmers markets. Our goal is to make this program more widely available to all Veterans.

Procedures for Establishing a Vouchers for Veterans Program

  • Only one farmers markets will be selected per county to participate in Vouchers for Veterans.
  • The participating county agrees to assist Vouchers for Veterans by maintaining two (2) volunteer coordinators to assist the Vouchers for Veterans coordinator during the market.
  • Criteria for selecting farmers narket locations;
    • Location.
    • Qualified vendors.
    • Parking accessibility.
  • The Vouchers for Veterans will be operated on site by one (1) Vouchers for Veterans coordinator and two (2) volunteers. The Vouchers for Veterans will operate each week in September.

Procedures for Operating a Vouchers for Veterans Program

  • Veteran showing qualifying identification will receive four (4), $5.00 vouchers each week in September at the farmers market for market purchases.
  • Veterans requesting vouchers must appear in person, present proof of service with one of the following: a DD214 or valid NH driver’s license with Veteran designation or active duty card or Military Retirement card or Medical card from Veterans Affairs (VA). Veterans must also present proof of residency with a valid driver’s license or other item showing residency.
  • Vouchers have no cash value, therefore change will not be given. Vendors normally make up difference with product.
  • Vouchers may be used to purchase any edible item, as well as plants that produce fruit, berries and vegetables.
  • Vouchers may also be used to purchase healing items manufactured by the vendor from bee hives or animals they raise, such as: goats milk soap, crèmes, lotions, chap sticks, or royal jelly.

Procedures for participating Farmers Markets and Vendors

  • Farmers market managers as well as vendors should have a full understanding of the implementation for Vouchers for Veterans.
  • Vouchers for Veterans name and logo may be used with permission only.
  • Assigned location for the Vouchers for Veterans should be near the market entrance and large enough to allow for a 10' x 10' tent, with tables and chairs.
  • Vouchers for Veterans will print all posters and vouchers needed.
  • Farmers market agrees to hang posters in strategic areas such as the VA clinic, city hall, etc.
  • At the beginning of each market, Vouchers for Veterans coordinators will provide each qualified vendor with a zippered bag containing a paper receipt. The vendor will be responsible for keeping track and totaling the number of vouchers redeemed along with the dollar value. The vendor is responsible for returning the bag containing vouchers and completed receipt to the Vouchers for Veterans tent at the end of the market.
  • Vendors will be paid for redeemed vouchers at the following week's market.
  • For the last farmers market in September, checks will be mailed to the vendors directly within 7 days.

About Vouchers for Veterans

Vouchers for Veterans is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We feed Veterans in New Hampshire and Maine by providing them food vouchers that they redeem at local farmers markets.

Veterans receive fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, and baked goods from local producers at participating farmers markets. Vouchers for Veterans delivers nutrition and relief to Veterans and direct financial support to farmers and growers by the farmers receiving the face value of each voucher received.

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Images depicting the Field of Honor are provided courtesy of and with gratitude to John Gisis Photography.
Copyright © 2025 Vouchers for Veterans