Your neighbors need you. Join the mission feed more Veterans.
For every $20 you donate, you provide one Veteran and their family a week’s supply of fresh and nutritious fruits and vegetables. Your donation directly feeds Veterans and their families. Your generosity will do a lot of good.
Fundraising events are our primary source of revenue and determine how many vouchers we can give to Veterans. When you sponsor an event, you will create brand awareness, build positive consumer sentiment, increase your audience reach and exposure, and attach your name to acts of generosity.
SponsorVouchers for Veterans is a volunteer driven organization. Volunteerism looks great on your resumé, but it’s so much more. When you volunteer, you improve lives, build good will, and create reciprocity. The ripple effect of your work with Vouchers for Veterans may start in your community, but its wake reaches far and wide.
Vouchers for Veterans is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We feed Veterans in New Hampshire and Maine by providing them food vouchers that they redeem at local farmers markets.
Veterans receive fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, and baked goods from local producers at participating farmers markets. Vouchers for Veterans delivers nutrition and relief to Veterans and direct financial support to farmers and growers by the farmers receiving the face value of each voucher received.